Collection: Vivid Up-Cycled Projects

Welcome to our “Vivid Up-Cycles” Eco Collection, born from a desire to combat waste in both our business and the fast fashion industry. Our mission? To transform locally sourced materials—think thrift store finds, garage sale gems, and surplus inventory—into unique works of art. Each piece tells a story, merging creativity with sustainability.

At the heart of our collection is a commitment to craftsmanship and innovation. We’re proud to showcase our passion for upcycling, and we invite you to explore our curated selection of one-of-a-kind creations.

Want to take it a step further? Consider commissioning your own bespoke upcycled masterpiece. Purchase our $25 up-cycle consultation to begin your journey towards sustainable style. Join us in celebrating creativity, community, and conscious consumption.

1 product
  • Cow print up-cycled denim jacket
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